Customer Testimonials

Our customers are our number one priority, and we love receiving messages of a job well done! Thanks to these customers for their kind words on Facebook and Google! We love you too, and we hope we can help you again with your future electrical needs!

  • On time, courteous tradies

    Tracie Young
  • Great knowledgeable staff

    Gregory Jensen
  • Efficient prompt service, very professional and courteous electricians. A reliable company to work with and admin staff very pleasant and helpful. 10/10!!

    P. Pender
  • Loveday Electrical installed air-conditioning in our house and added a new power point in a bedroom. Excellent service, left everything tidy, worked with me to find the best positioning. Will definitely use them again! Very happy customer.

    Chelsea Willmer
  • They were the first electrical company to return my calls and messages, very friendly and professional. Great communication and fast service. Daniel was our sparkie and he turned up on time and was super fast and friendly. Great rates and I will be using this company again. Highly recommend.

  • Courteous staff. Prompt service. I have used this company three times and will again. Very happy.

    Suezanne Limon
  • The staff were more than happy to cater to my needs and helped me make last minute changes, they were fast, professional, very courteous and their work quality was, in my opinion, unrivalled.

    Nic Nightingale
  • Great Staff, turned up on time and cleaned up after themselves. will use again.

    Judy Gray
  • Very good reliable will use again.

    Greg & Sharon Henderson

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